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Bowne Township Fire Department

Burn Permit Application

Applicant Info

You will receive an email confirmation of the approved burn permit. Please retain this email as your required proof of permit. You may be required to show proof of approved permit.



Fire Information




This Recreational Fire Permit is issued subject to the terms and conditions printed on the back. Violation of any of the items listed will be considered sufficient cause to void the permit.


The following terms and conditions apply to the issuance of a Recreational Fire Permit:


1. The recreational fire must be at least twenty five (25) feet from all buildings and adjacent property lines.


2. The recreational fire will take place between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 12:00 midnight, and will be completely extinguished by midnight.


3. The recreational fire will be under the constant supervision of a responsible person who will have at his/her disposal adequate safety equipment and supplies to maintain and control the fire.


4. The recreational fire will not endanger any overhead wires or other obstructions.


5. The wood burned in a recreational fire will be seasoned, dry wood. No green wood, brush, lumber or other material may be burned. Burning of building demolition is not allowed.


6. The fire or smoke from the recreational fire will not adversely affect neighbors or the public.


7. The recreational fire will emit no objectionable emissions into the air causing, pollution, nauseous odors, or visual obstruction of streets.


8. The recreational fire will not cause any general safety hazards.


9. Any person issued a permit by the Fire Chief for a recreational fire shall retain the permit and shall exhibit the permit to the Fire Chief, any firefighter acting under the orders of the Fire Chief, or any Police Officer upon demand.


10. Whenever the Fire Chief shall determine that a requested recreational fire requires the presence of Fire Department personnel and equipment in order to protect the public safety, a permit shall not be for the recreational fire until permit applicant pays a fee for the Fire Department personnel and equipment. The Fire Chief shall determine the fee based upon the actual costs for providing these personnel and equipment.


11. The Fire Chief may enter onto private or public property at any time for the purpose of extinguishing any recreational fire that is being conducted contrary to any of the conditions cited above.

Your Burn Permit Application has been received




8240 Alden Nash,

PO. Box 35, Alto, Mi 49302

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